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Consult with Lloyd for the best possible Mac for you Computing Needs (or general PC configuration)

Consult with Lloyd to determine the ideal setup for your particular workflow including CPU cores, GPU, memory, SSD, internal and external storage, backup and fault tolerance, color management, whether for video or still photography, including what is best for Photoshop, Lightroom, Capture One, focus stacking, panoramas, etc.

The 2019 Apple Mac Pro is due out for ordering on December 10th, as is the Apple Pro Display XDR. I (Lloyd) will be testing the Mac Pro in depth as soon as I can ahold of one.

Update: I saved one client about $4000 today, and he’ll have a faster machine too!

Realistically a non-token configuration Mac Pro is going to run $7000 at a bare minimum (no one in their right mind should buy it with les than 64GB!).

But what will really help your specific workflow in terms of CPU cores, GPU, memory, SSD?

Whether you use Capture One, Lightroom, Photoshop, video software, etc, there are options that move the ball forward, and options that just burn money.

That’s where I come in... I have decades (nearly 30 years) of experience as a professional software engineer along with testing performance of Macs at MPG for a decade. Even without testing I am certain that I can save you needless expense and more important: help you avoid losing performance by making non-optimal choices, some of which are unfixable without buying a new machine. And here in California, my consulting fee is about 1/3 of the tax on basic Mac Pro!

Consult with Lloyd on the best Mac Pro for your needs.

While I am in a remote area (nar Eureka Dunes), I have a cell signal and flexible hours, so I can talk to you prior to the ordering frenzy on December 10.

Basic recommendations, minimum: 2TB SSD, 48GB memory, 12 core CPU.

MONEY SAVING TIP: order your Mac Pro with 32GB memory, then upgrade with OWC memory for Mac Pro. In the past, you could get TWICE the memory for about the same proce. | Terms of Use | PRIVACY POLICY
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