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Can you Trust Apple with Anything at All? Claimed 0-Day Exploit for Stealing Every Password in Your Keychain on macOS Mojave and earlier macOS

Update March 1: Linus Henze has provided (for free) the bug details to Apple, with no response and without reward. How can Apple be taken seriously when it ignores severe vulnerabilities like this?


The claim by Linus Henze is:

In this video, I'll show you a 0-day exploit that allows me to extract all your keychain passwords on macOS Mojave (and lower versions). Without root or administrator privileges and without password prompts of course.

This is not the first time. You might remember KeychainStealer from @patrickwardle, released 2017 for macOS High Sierra, which can also steal all your keychain passwords. While the vulnerability he used is already patched, the one I found still works, even in macOS Mojave. I won't release this. The reason is simple: Apple still has no bug bounty program (for macOS), so blame them.

Apple talks a good PR story (congratulations to Tim Cook for his persuasion), but the bottom line is that a mind-blowing run of serious security flaws in macOS is prima facie evidence of software development incompetence chained to a calendar-based ship-it-testing-be-damned schedule.

What MPG wants to know is whether Apple acknowledges or denies this bug and (particularly important) if Apple is paying bug bounties for such stuff, so that the Bad Guys don’t get hold of it. Tim? Where’s the beef, is it a nothingburger or what?


If you were an iOS hacker, would you rather sell a 0-day for $1.5M to a 3rd party, or $0.2M to Apple? Apple cannot be taken seriously on its economicallly illiterate approach to bugs.

iPhone Bugs Are Too Valuable to Report to Apple

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